Graduate Courses

MATH 213 Theory of Differential Equations 3.0
MATH 214 Dynamical Systems 3.0
MATH 215 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling 3.0
MATH 216 Applied Partial Differential Equations 3.0
MATH 217 Integral Equations 3.0
MATH 218 Introduction to Applied Mathematics 3.0
MATH 219 Delay Differential Equations 3.0
MATH 221 Abstract Algebra I 3.0
MATH 222 Linear Algebra 3.0
MATH 223 Abstract Algebra II 3.0
MATH 224 Matrix Analysis 3.0
MATH 225 Number Theory with Applications 3.0
MATH 232 Real Analysis 3.0
MATH 234 Complex Analysis 3.0
MATH 235 Applied Complex Variable Theory 3.0
MATH 236 Numerical Analysis 3.0
MATH 237 Functional Analysis 3.0
MATH 238 Semigroup Theory and Applications 3.0
MATH 239 Numerical Partial Differential Equations 3.0
MATH 240 Topological Structures 3.0
MATH 241 Algebraic Topology 3.0
MATH 245 Computational Topology with Applications 3.0
MATH 250 Modern Geometry 3.0
MATH 251 Differential Geometry 3.0
MATH 255 Applied Combinatorics 3.0
MATH 256 Graph Theory 3.0
MATH 260 Probability and Applications 3.0
MATH 280 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization 3.0
MATH 296 Selected Topics in Applied Analysis 3.0
MATH 297 Independent Study 3.0
MATH 298 Special Topics 3.0
MATH 299 Graduate Seminar 1.0
MATH 300 Master's Thesis 6.0
MATH 400 Dissertation 12.0