Undergraduate Courses

CMSC 11 Introduction to Computer Sciences 3.0
CMSC 12 Advanced Programming Techniques 3.0
CMSC 55 Discrete Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5.0
CMSC 110 Internet Technologies 3.0
CMSC 116 Mathematical Methods for the Computational Sciences 3.0
CMSC 117 Numerical Methods 3.0
CMSC 123 Data Structures 3.0
CMSC 124 Design & Implementation of Programming Languages 3.0
CMSC 125 Operating Systems 3.0
CMSC 127 File Processing & Database Systems 3.0
CMSC 128 Introduction to Software Engineering 3.0
CMSC 130 Logic Design & Digital Computer Circuits 3.0
CMSC 131 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 3.0
CMSC 135 Computer Networks 3.0
CMSC 141 Automata & Language Theory 3.0
CMSC 142 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3.0
CMSC 161 Interactive Computer Graphics 3.0
CMSC 162 Artificial Intelligence 3.0
CMSC 190 Special Problem 3.0
CMSC 191 Special Topics 3.0
CMSC 198 Practicum 3.0
CMSC 199 Undergraduate Seminar 1.0
MATH 29 Basic Concepts of Mathematics 3.0
MATH 53 Elementary Analysis I 5.0
MATH 54 Elementary Analysis II 5.0
MATH 55 Elementary Analysis III 5.0
MATH 100 Introduction to Calculus 4.0
MATH 101 Elementary Statistics 3.0
MATH 113 Differential Equations 3.0
MATH 120 Algebraic Structures I 3.0
MATH 121 Algebraic Structures II 3.0
MATH 122 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory 3.0
MATH 123 Elementary Theory of Numbers 3.0
MATH 124 Applied Algebra and Combinatorics 3.0
MATH 130 Mathematical Analysis 3.0
MATH 132 Real Analysis 3.0
MATH 133 Introduction to Functional Analysis 3.0
MATH 134 Complex Analysis 3.0
MATH 136 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3.0
MATH 137 Applied Analysis 3.0
MATH 140 Topological Structures 3.0
MATH 150 Modern Geometry 3.0
MATH 160 Probability Theory 3.0
MATH 163 Mathematical Statistics 3.0
MATH 165 Applied Statistics 3.0
MATH 170 Foundations of Mathematics 3.0
MATH 181 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 3.0
MATH 182 Introduction to Computer Programming 3.0
MATH 190 Issues in Mathematics Education 3.0
MATH 197 Selected Topics in Mathematics 3.0
MATH 198 Seminar 2.0
MATH 199 Research in Mathematics 3.0
MATH 200 Undergraduate Thesis 3.0